A landscape image of a lighthouse on a rocky point with blue skies


Established in 1990, the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Energy Regulator (formerly the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board) is an independent joint agency created by the Governments of Canada and Nova Scotia. Federally, we work with Natural Resources Canada and provincially with the Nova Scotia Department of Energy.

Our core regulatory responsibilities span the full lifecycle of offshore energy activities, ranging from land tenure, geoscience and resource management studies, resource assessments, exploration, development, and production through to decommissioning and abandonment.  In fulfilling our regulatory mandate, it is paramount that any activities conducted in our offshore area be completed in a safe, secure and environmentally conscious manner.

Our Mission

Independent regulatory oversight of offshore energy development.

Our Vision

A trusted regulator for the safe and environmentally responsible lifecycle development of offshore energy.

Strategic Plan 2024-2029

The 2024-2029 Strategic Plan outlines the CNSOER’s strategic priorities that were developed to help us achieve our mission and vision.