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Monitoring & Compliance

We expect each operator to follow the rules and regulations. We make sure offshore energy activities are completed in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.

The requirements for offshore energy  activities in the Canada-Nova Scotia offshore area are set out in the Accord Acts and regulations. As the lifecycle regulator, our role is to ensure that rules and regulations are followed. Once we grant an authorization, our job isn’t done. We hold operators accountable throughout the lifecycle of an authorized activity. Depending on the type of activity and the associated risks, we may increase our level of monitoring to make sure work is done safely and responsibly.

Renewable Energy Monitoring

We monitor each activity authorized in the Canada-Nova Scotia offshore area closely. We use our monitoring activities, such as conducting audits, inspections, reviewing reports and holding meetings, to make sure operators are following the rules and regulations as well as carrying out their activities as planned. We also envision utilizing remote monitoring technology to enhance our offshore oversight in the future. We use these monitoring activities as part of our oversight to identify potential areas of concern before they become problems.

Renewable Energy Compliance and Enforcement Tools

Operators that do not comply with the rules and requirements set out in Accord Acts and regulations may face compliance and enforcement action. Our regulatory toolbox contains different tools we can use on a case-by-case basis to ensure operators comply with the rules and requirements. In some cases, we may apply one or more of our compliance and enforcement tools, depending on the severity and significance of the non-compliance. We can also order a company to stop work at any time if the activity is determined to be unsafe, or if it is deemed necessary in order to protect the environment.