Regulatory Framework
A robust regulatory framework is in place for effectively regulating the offshore energy industry in the Canada-Nova Scotia offshore area. This framework consists of legislation enacted by governments, offshore licences and activity authorizations that we may issue containing terms and conditions and other regulatory instruments that we have generated to ensure that these industries comply with established rules and requirements.
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Our organization was established by the Government of Canada and Government of Nova Scotia to regulate offshore energy activities in the Canada-Nova Scotia offshore area. We were established through the passing of the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation and Offshore Energy Management Act, and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation and Offshore Energy Management (Nova Scotia) Act, which we commonly refer to as the Accord Acts.
In fulfilling our regulatory mandate, we are responsible for implementing and enforcing legislation that consists of the Accord Acts along with the regulations that are made under them. Collectively, they establish the rules and requirements pertaining to the issuance and management of offshore licences and to any offshore energy activity that may take place within the Canada-Nova Scotia offshore area. This legislation is developed and put in place by the Government of Canada and the Government of Nova Scotia.
For oil and gas, learn more about our Lands Management exploration, significant discovery and production licences that we may issue include terms and conditions that licence holders must comply with. For renewable energy, we will be providing updates as appropriate regarding submerged land licences and their terms and conditions.
No offshore energy activity can take place in our offshore area without our authorization. Any such activity must be conducted in accordance with the rules and requirements set out in the legislation and in compliance with any terms and conditions that we may affix to any activity authorization that we may grant.
We have developed a number of other regulatory instruments to assist in the effective implementation and enforcement of the legislative rules and requirements. These include Memoranda of Understanding and Agreements with other government departments and organizations, along with directives, guidelines and notices. Our Chief Safety Officer may also require employers to establish or adopt a code of practice with respect to occupational health and safety.