Activity Authorizations
It’s our job to ensure that all offshore energy activity carried out in the Canada-Nova Scotia offshore area is done safely and in an environmentally responsible manner.
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Every operator that wants to conduct activities in the Canada-Nova Scotia offshore area must submit an application and an authorization must be granted before this work can begin. Depending on the type of activity, additional approvals may also be required. The application must meet our standards to ensure the work will be conducted in a manner that prioritizes the well-being of personnel working offshore, protection of the environment, and co-existence with other ocean use industries, including Indigenous and non-Indigenous fisheries, shipping, etc. We go to great lengths to ensure that strict requirements are met before an authorization may be granted, which includes:
- Ensuring all necessary equipment, systems, operating plans and procedures are in place,
- Appropriately trained personnel are in place
- All reasonable precautions are taken to protect safety and the environment
Petroleum Authorization Process
One of the first steps of the authorization process is the completion of an Environmental Assessment. Depending on the type of activity, we may lead a project-specific environmental assessment or the Impact Assessment Agency may lead an impact assessment to support our review of an application pursuant to the Accord Acts. This process must be completed before an application for an authorization for offshore activities may be approved.
Before an operator proposes an activity, the operator must prepare and compile documentation related to the proposed project, in addition to the environmental assessment process. The operator must also apply for an operating licence for petroleum-related activities which is valid for one fiscal year (April 1 to March 31) and reapply after the licence has expired. Once an operating licence has been issued, the operator cannot transfer the licence to another company.
When the operator is preparing to submit documents for an activity authorization, we will assign a coordinator to facilitate the review completed by our team. Reviewing an activity authorization is a collaborative effort across our organization.
Once all documents are reviewed and an authorization is granted, our role transitions to Monitoring and Compliance. This is to ensure activities are conducted in compliance with all regulatory requirements and commitments made as part of the application for the activity. We also ensure the activity is conducted in a safe and environmentally responsible manner for the duration of the project.
Learn more below about activity authorizations and operator expectations.
Petroleum Activity Authorization Application
We expect operators to develop a series of comprehensive plans and procedures that demonstrate they’re able to perform all activity in a safe and environmentally responsible manner. Learn more about key submissions for an activity authorization below.
Our Review of a Petroleum Activity Authorization Application
Our team completes a technical review of all activity authorization applications received. We conduct a thorough review of the information submitted for compliance with legislation and regulations. In doing so, we ensure that global industry standards and best practices used in similar operating environments have been appropriately considered. In implementing the regulatory framework, we rely on the best available science and call upon other regulators and government departments with relevant expertise to assist in reviewing operator submissions, where appropriate.
Key steps in our review process include:
- Consulting with the operator regarding the proposed submissions (e.g. how they intend to consolidate and package the various information requirements into a series of documents) and the schedule for the submissions.
- Confirming that the information provided is sufficient for review (e.g.is the document complete, the document satisfies our needs for our review).
- Tracking the review status of documents, receiving responses and document revisions from the operator and facilitating discussions between the operator and our team as needed.
- Ensuring documents are reviewed by our team in a timely manner and any comments are provided to the operator.
- Advising the operator when a document has been accepted.
- Developing conditions of approval for the authorization.
- Preparing authorization documents for Chief Executive Officer’s review, approval and signature

Once an activity authorization application is approved, our role is just beginning. Check our Monitoring and Compliance page for more information.
Ready-for-Operation Audits and Pre-Authorization Inspections
Ready-for-Operations Audits and pre-authorization inspections are part of our comprehensive review process. Our staff have extensive experience in health and safety, environmental protection, operations, emergency response, geoscience, resource management, engineering, industrial benefits and financial assurance. They lead on-site inspections and audit facilities, equipment and arrangements of both the operator and their key contractors to verify regulatory compliance and to evaluate readiness for operations.
Along with our reviews of the operator documentation, the goal of these audits and inspections is to confirm that equipment is fit for purpose, the appropriate operating plans and procedures are in place and functioning and that personnel have the necessary training and competencies. Before an authorization of any kind may be granted, our team must be satisfied that the application meets our requirements.