Building trust and confidence in how we regulate energy activities in the Canada-Nova Scotia offshore area is a priority for us.
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We recognize and understand the importance of engaging with Indigenous communities, the fishing sector, the public, and other stakeholders as we believe each group has specific and unique insights that should be taken into consideration prior to making decisions. This allows us to gain a better understanding of the perspectives and concerns of the many communities, businesses, and organizations throughout Nova Scotia and helps us make informed decisions. In addition, we work closely with other government departments at federal and provincial levels through our established relationships and Memoranda of Understanding.
Hearing from you is valuable to us. Engagement is an important part of our regulatory processes.
We offer many ways for you to get involved.
- We hold commenting periods when environmental assessments are conducted, during renewable energy and petroleum-related Call for Bids processes for offshore licences and when we develop guidelines to assist industry in understanding requirements set out in legislation.
- When needed, we host engagement sessions on topics such as Activity Authorizations, licensing of offshore interests, Call for Bids and more generally, our regulatory role.
- We send email updates to subscribers so they can be kept in the loop on what’s happening offshore.
Ultimately, we want to establish strong relationships with those we engage with. We are committed to open and transparent communications so that we can continue to earn your trust and confidence.

Want to get the latest updates from our team? Contact us by emailing info@cnsoer.ns.ca