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External Resources
It’s essential that we have the right expertise and knowledge to do our jobs effectively. This requires us to collaborate with other experts, specialists, government departments, and regulatory bodies to stay current on new research, technology, and global industry standards.
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In implementing our regulatory framework, the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Energy Regulator team engages and works collaboratively with others to gather knowledge and exchange information. Whether its discussions held with government departments and other regulatory bodies, or with Indigenous communities, the fishing sector, or other stakeholders and with specific insights and knowledge to share, we reach out to increase our expertise and share key learnings. Learn more below about who we engage and collaborate with.
Local, National, and International Collaboration
The CNSOER participates on committees and attends international conferences, forums and symposiums to stay up to date and to ensure that the best safety, environmental and operational technologies and regulatory practices are employed in the Canada-Nova Scotia offshore area.
Fisheries Advisory Committee
In 1994, we established a Fisheries Advisory Committee (FAC) to help facilitate information-sharing and open dialogue between our organization and representatives of the fishing industry. FAC provides advice and suggestions to us in carrying out our regulatory mandate. It also serves as a forum for exchange of information on concerns and challenges faced by the fishing industry to be considered so that the renewable energy and oil and gas industries that share the same waters and ocean environment can co-exist. More information on the FAC can be found here.
Marine Protected Area Advisory Committees
The CNSOER participates on the Department of Fisheries and Oceans’ Marine Protected Area Advisory Committees in the Maritimes. Stakeholder consultation is a fundamental element of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Marine Protected Area program and occurs during the planning, selection, designation and ongoing management of Marine Protected Areas. In the Maritimes, stakeholder advisory committees have been created for individual Marine Protected Areas, such as the Gully and St Anns Bank, to give industry, Indigenous communities, government agencies, and other interests a voice in the management of these areas.
We currently sit on the Gully and St Anns Bank Marine Protected Area Advisory Committees and the Fundian Channel - Browns Bank Area of Interest Stakeholder Advisory Committee.
Sable Island Stakeholder Advisory Committee
The CNSOER participates in the Sable Island Stakeholder Advisory Committee led by Parks Canada. The purpose of the committee is for Parks Canada to provide updates on Sable Island National Park Reserve, and to provide opportunities for stakeholders to consult on the management of activities on Sable Island.
Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board Geoscience Collaborations
Our geoscientists conduct ongoing research to improve the understanding of Nova Scotia's offshore geology. We actively collaborate on geoscience studies with fellow geoscientists from external organizations such as the Nova Scotia Department of Energy , Net Zero Atlantic, Geological Survey of Canada and Dalhousie and Saint Mary’s universities. Once completed, these studies are published on our website here.
Benefits Review Committee
The CNSOER chairs the Benefits Review Committee, a forum used to discuss oil and gas project specific industrial benefits plans and procurement activities with the federal and provincial governments through representatives from Natural Resources Canada and the Nova Scotia Department of Energy. The focus of this committee is the ability of operators to meet the requirements as set out in the legislation and our expectations regarding hiring offshore workers and procurement.
More information can be found under the Industrial Benefits section
Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board and the Canada Energy Regulator
The CNSOER works closely with the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board (C-NLOPB) and the Canada Energy Regulator (CER) to enhance the cooperation and coordination of activities between the Regulators for topics common to our related mandates. These include activities respecting regulatory matters, the sharing of resources and knowledge, and emergency management. Where possible, the Regulators work together to develop joint guidelines.
National Associations, Councils, and Committees
The CNSOER participates on the Atlantic Senior Advisory Committee on Environmental Emergencies in Atlantic Canada, which is chaired by Environment and Climate Change Canada. The committee is comprised of senior level representatives of federal and provincial departments/agencies and Indigenous governments throughout Atlantic Canada. Its mandate includes information sharing and networking among federal, provincial, and Indigenous government departments and agencies in Atlantic Canada who play a role in managing environmental emergencies.
Atlantic Canada Offshore Petroleum Training and Qualifications Committee
We take part in the Atlantic Canada Offshore Petroleum Training and Qualifications Committee, which is a collaborative, multi-stakeholder committee that supports and oversees the development of an offshore Atlantic Canada training standard that outlines the minimum qualifications and certified training required of individuals working in Atlantic Canada’s offshore petroleum industry.
Helicopter Operations Safety Committee
We participate on a Helicopter Operations Safety Committee. The Helicopter Operations Safety Committee is a collaborative committee made up of representatives from offshore Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador operators, offshore workers, helicopter service providers, and regulatory authorities. The main focus of this committee is enhancing helicopter transportation safety.
Canadian General Standards Board 65.17 Helicopter Passenger Transportation Suit System Technical Committee
As a participant on the Canadian General Standards Board 65.17 Helicopter Passenger Transportation Suit System Technical Committee, we review and help determine whether there are any significant revisions required to the standard as part of the five (5) year review cycle.
Canadian Marine Advisory Council
We participate on the Canadian Marine Advisory Council with other organizations that have an interest in shipping, navigation and marine pollution matters. The Canadian Marine Advisory Council performs stakeholder engagement in the development of marine safety and environmental protection regulatory frameworks, and is led by representatives of Transport Canada Marine Safety.
Environmental Studies Research Fund
Our representative sits on the management board for the Environmental Studies Research Fund, which also includes representatives from the federal government, the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Energy Regulator, the Canada Energy Regulator, the oil and gas industry and the public. The purpose of the Environmental Studies Research Fund is to finance environmental and social studies related to how oil and gas exploration, development, and production activities on frontier and offshore areas should be conducted.
Inter-Governmental Tenure Committee
We meet regularly with the Inter-Governmental Tenure Committee to share knowledge and gain an understanding of different tenure regimes and business systems in Canada. The committee membership is made up of provincial, territorial and federal bodies who are responsible for regulating and managing non-renewable resource development (e.g., minerals, hydrocarbons, gases). The Inter-Governmental Tenure Committee promotes the understanding of various jurisdictions’ policies and regulatory frameworks, including potential changes and how they are achieving intended outcomes. Members benefit from the ongoing network of peers who can exchange information about the overall administration of a non-renewable resource tenure system.
Multi-Partner Research Initiative - Oil Spill Research and Response
The CNSOER participates in the Multi-Partner Research Initiative (MPRI) Advisory Committee. This MPRI initiative was first launched in 2016 and renewed in 2022. Prior to 2022, the MPRI was led by Fisheries and Oceans Canada but has since been transferred to Natural Resources Canada. Under Canada’s Oceans Protection Plan, the MPRI will provide $30.3 million over five years to draw upon the expertise and experience of oil spill experts in Canada and abroad. The goal of this initiative is to improve oil spill response tools and techniques and inform decisions that minimize the environmental impacts of oil spills. The initiative supports collaboration among leading national and international oil spill experts to fill knowledge gaps to improve understanding and response capabilities. For more information, visit Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s website here.
Well Operations Committee
We are a part of the Well Operations Committee, which is made up of a group of drilling/well operations representatives from all of the offshore operators working in both the Canada-Nova Scotia and the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador offshore areas. The committee discusses current areas of interest that includes regulatory updates, safety or incident alerts and other key areas of focus.
International Forums, Working Groups, and Committees
International Offshore Petroleum Environmental Regulators
We are a founding and active member of the International Offshore Petroleum Environment Regulators. The International Offshore Petroleum Environmental Regulators is a collaborative group of regulators from around the world whose members are dedicated to raising environmental performance standards within the offshore petroleum exploration and production industry. This includes standards applicable to the industry's normal operations, as well as environmental emergency prevention, preparedness and response. For more information, visit: www.ioper.org.
International Regulators’ Forum
We are an active member of the International Regulators’ Forum (IRF). Along with our colleagues from the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Energy Regulator and the Canada Energy Regulator. The International Regulators' Forum was formed in 1993 to provide international leadership on safety and safety-related regulatory matters for offshore oil and gas activities, continue to strengthen sharing of regulatory practice and experience, and provide a sounding board for key initiatives of members.
In 2024 the IRF expanded its mandate by initiating an Offshore Renewable Energy Sub-committee (IRFORES) to provide a forum for international offshore renewable energy infrastructure health and safety regulators to share leading practice and innovation in regulating the rapidly evolving offshore renewable energy sector. For more information, visit: https://irfoffshoresafety.com/.
International Upstream Forum
We participate in the International Upstream Forum. The International Upstream Forum was formed in 2007 by several countries with active offshore oil and gas industries. The forum allows public policy managers and regulators responsible for resource stewardship to share experiences and views on advancements and changes in upstream oil and gas exploration and development.
Global Offshore Wind Regulators Forum
We have been an active member of the Global Offshore Wind Regulators Forum (GOWRF) since 2022. The GOWRF is a multilateral forum established in 2019 for the purpose of information sharing between international governments and regulators with responsibilities for offshore wind. The forum provides an opportunity for international offshore wind regulators to: exchange and enhance collective expertise; discuss regulatory approaches and best practices; exchange scientific, technical and environmental information; and discuss industry trends and market developments.
North American Regulators Working Group on Safety Culture
We are a member of the North American Regulators Working Group on Safety Culture. The group of regulators is interested in advancing safety culture as an essential part of oil and gas exploration, production and transportation activities to help improve safety and environmental protection.
North Sea Offshore Authorities Forum - Wells Working Group
We are a member of the North Sea Offshore Authorities Forum Wells Working Group. This group exchanges information and cooperate on safety and working environment aspects related to drilling and well operations, well control, well integrity and blowout prevention. This group’s activities contribute to continuous improvement of safety and the working environment during drilling operations, well workovers and other well-related activities.