Lands Management
We are responsible for issuing and managing offshore licences and other lands rights on behalf of both governments. Obtaining rights to the offshore lands is an essential first step in developing and exploring the Canada-Nova Scotia offshore area for renewable energy and petroleum resources.
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Renewable Energy Licensing
The CNSOER administers the renewable energy land tenure process and makes recommendations to the federal Minister of Energy and Natural Resources and the provincial Minister of Energy to make a Call for Bids and to issue submerged land licences. The process for issuing a submerged land licence and the related criteria are being finalized. The Accord Acts state that the contents of a renewable energy Call for Bids shall specify:
- The licence and its location;
- The particular technologies or types of offshore renewable energy resources to which the licence applies;
- The licence terms and conditions;
- The terms and conditions that a bid must satisfy the form and manner in which a bid is to be submitted;
- The closing date;
- The criteria that the CNSOER will apply in assessing submitted bids.
Once more information is known for this renewable energy land tenure process and its related details, this section will be updated.
Compliance and Monitoring
Once a submerged land licence is issued, our job is just beginning. The terms and conditions of a submerged land licence are based on legislative requirements and our established policies, and include items such as effective dates, area of the licence, requirements for reports and submission of data. We continually ensure that licence owners are in compliance with the terms and conditions of their submerged land licence, including meeting the required timeframe for reports and deposits, which we review.
Licence Registry
For those that want to know more, we manage a public registry for our licences. Our public registry contains information such as who owns a licence, the licence location, and any relevant dates. It also includes information on licences that have been issued, amended, consolidated, surrendered, transferred or cancelled. The CNSOER has a designated Registrar to review and register these documents.
At this time, there are no submerged land licences. Once these types of licences are issued, they will be added to our public registry.