A landscape image of a lighthouse on a rocky point with blue skies

Disclosure of Offshore Information

While we provide the public, academia, industry, and other government departments and agencies with access to our offshore information online through our Information Management Centre, it’s our job to keep the information confidential as set out in the legislation. Once a confidentiality period has expired, we are able to release the information so that others may access and use the data.

Confidentiality Periods for Offshore Information

View our confidentiality periods for offshore information we provide at our Information Management Centre.

As renewable energy information is collected and submitted by an operator to the CNSOER, it will be reviewed, classified and catalogued then placed in the Information Management Centre once the confidentiality period has ended. 


Exploratory Well - this data is confidential for two years after the well has been terminated.

Delineation Well - this data is confidential for 90 days following the termination date of the delineation well or two years after the termination date of the exploratory well drilled on the same geological structure (field) exploratory, whichever is longer.

Development Well - this data is confidential for 60 days following the termination date of the development well or two years after the termination date of the exploratory well drilled on the same geological structure (field), whichever is longer.

For additional information on well data disclosure, refer to our Data Acquisition and Reporting Guidelines.

Geological & Geophysical Data

Non-exclusive Geological and Geophysical Data* - this data is confidential for 10 years following the completion date** of the activity. Non-exclusive geological and geophysical data is not accessible in digital format from our Information Management Centre. This data is only made available in hardcopy format.

Exclusive Geological and Geophysical Data - this data is confidential for five years following the completion date** of the activity.

For additional information on geological and geophysical data disclosure, refer to our Geophysical, Geological, Geotechnical and Environmental Program Guidelines   .

*The Nova Scotia Offshore Area Petroleum Geophysical Operations Regulations  developed by the governments define a non-exclusive survey as a geophysical operation that is conducted to acquire data for the purpose of sale, in whole or in part, to the public.

**The completion date is considered to occur six months after completion of the activity.


If you have questions about the disclosure of other types of data, please email info@cnsoer.ca.