Information Management
Building a knowledge base about the Canada-Nova Scotia offshore area and providing others with access to this information is critical to our work and our mandate.
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Effectively managing the information we receive and generate is important. It helps us make decisions, deliver on our mandate, and develop strategies and processes that make us more efficient and effective at our jobs. We have a team of information management professionals who help us manage submissions and maintain our systems so that we can readily access our information and comply with all applicable legislative requirements. Our systems maintain information related to our mandated functions, business decisions, internal organizational planning, and information received as a result of offshore energy activities.
Our information management cycle begins when we create or receive information. As part of our mandate, it’s our job to collect and manage information about energy activities occurring in the Canada-Nova Scotia offshore area. We are responsible to take care of that information and to distribute it to those who request it through our Information Management Centre and Access to Information and Privacy requests. When information reaches the end of our information management cycle, we make a decision: we preserve the information for future generations or securely dispose.
We post an annual report along with our financial statements to inform readers on our activities from the previous fiscal year, and a monthly summary of travel and hospitality expenses incurred by our Board Members and Chief Executive Officer.

With the growth of electronic information, we recognize the need for guidance on submitting information. Operators and licence holders who are submitting information as part of their offshore activities must utilize our Information Management Guidance to ensure submissions are in the proper format, accurate, and complete.
We share and communicate information across our organization and with operators, licence owners, governments, Indigenous communities and other stakeholders every day. We handle our information in compliance with legislative requirements.